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SCOTB Meeting
SCOTB Meeting

Saturday, 1 February at 13:00

Tennent's, Byres Road, Glasgow

Click on this slide for full details

Festival Planning

Wheatsheaf Inn, Kilmarnock

Members only

ARAF Planning Meeting

Monday, 3 February at 20:00

GBBF Winter
Great British Beer Festival Winter

12-15 February 2025

Magna Science Adventure Centre, Rotherham

2- Pub Social
2-Pub Social in Kilmarnock

Saturday, 15 February from 14:00

Wheatsheaf Inn (14:00) thenFirst Edition (15:30)

South Ayrshire
South Ayrshire Social

Tuesday, 18 February at 14:00

Number Forty-Seven, Troon

Click on this slide for full details

North Ayrshire
North Ayrshire Social

Thursday, 20 February at 19:30

Salt Cot, Saltcoats

Click on this slide for full details

Committee Meeting

Wheatsheaf Inn, Kilmarnock

Members only

GBG Selection/Committee Meeting

Monday, 24 February at 20:00

East Ayrshire
East Ayrshire Social

Wednesday, 26 February at 14:30

Mill House Hotel, Stewarton

Click on this slide for full details

Members' Weekend
Members' Weekend

11-13 April 2025

Riviera Centre, Torquay

Good Beer Guide
Beer Scoring
Beer Scoring

Please become a more active CAMRA member and enter your scores each time you visit the pub. It only takes a few seconds.


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A warm welcome to the website of Ayrshire & Wigtownshire CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale.  Geographically, our branch is located in South West Scotland and  covers an area of approximately 1600 square miles (4185 km²)

We have almost 600 members who are passionate about pub-going and real ale while having fun at the same time.  We are a very active branch with regular social activities and a successful festival which is held in early October each year.  In addition, we publish a multi-award winning branch magazine called Full Pints with issues printed and distributed quarterly. 

Please have a look around our website or better still come and join us in a pub for a beer or two.

We raised over £3000 for Ayrshire Cancer Support during our recent Festival

40th Anniversary Branch Awards

In recognition of their contribution to the branch, several long-standing members were recently presented with certificates.

The presentations were made at various locations over the festive period.

Full Pints Wins Again

Our branch magazine, Full Pints, has been named Branch Magazine of the Year 2024. This is the fourth win in recent years, having enjoyed success in 2015, 2017, and 2018.

Congratulations to editor Stuart McMahon, who is so ably supported by advertising coordinator Janis Wood and many contributors.

Full Pints Gold Award

Beer of the Festival Presentation

During the Ayrshire Real Ale Festival (ARAF) last October, the theme bar featured a selection of beers brewed in Yorkshire. Customers were invited to vote for the beer they most enjoyed over the 3-day event. The winner was Landlord, brewed by Timothy Taylor in Keighley.

A sizeable group of local members travelled south to make the presentation at the end of February.

Photos courtesy of Scott Cameron

Clubs Wanted

Are you a member of a club?

Does your club offer cask beer?

There are many clubs in our branch area. Golf, bowling, social clubs, etc., have bars offering members various drinks. As far as we are aware, only a handful sell cask ale. As a branch, we would like to see this small number increase. If you feel your club could stock real ale, please get in touch with Ian Martin, our Clubs Campaigns Coordinator, by emailing

Events at a Glance

This is a list of events relevant to our branch over the coming weeks.